BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ B E A M C O O K B O O K _____________________________ USER'S MANUAL Shareware Evaluation Version 1.0 (Chapters 4, 5, and 6) This manual is copyrighted 1994 by SoftEngineering - All Rights Are Reserved - BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ C H A P T E R 4 INPUT WINDOWS All Beam Cookbook inputs that define a beam problem are entered through an input window. These windows are opened or activated through the menu bar and pull-down menu commands. The input data itself is a rectangular grid made up of labeled columns (load, location, and etc) and labeled rows (name of in- put item). Each intersection of a column and a row makes up a entry field, which is where you enter data. This chapter describes all the input windows. BEAM CONFIGURATION The F10|Beam command opens or activates the "BEAM CONFIG- URATION" input window. This window is where you define; the beam length, moment of inertia , modulus of elasticity, and global parameters. This input window is shown below. +[-]------ BEAM_CONFIGURATION ---------+ | | | Stiffness/flex coefficients: No | | Forced_deflections/slopes: No | | | | Length: 10.000 | | Modulus of Elasticity: 10000000 | | | | Moment of Inertia Type: Constant | | Constant I: 1.000 | | Variable I: | | Name Location | I Value | | Iv01 Left End | 1.000 | | Iv02 | | | Iv03 | | | Iv04 | | | Iv05 | | | Iv06 | | +--------------------------------------+ Figure 4.1 Beam Configuration input window 26 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ * Stiffness/flex coefficients is a global Yes/No toggle for stiffness/flexibility coefficients defined in the "SUP- PORTS", "HINGES" and "MOMENT CONNECTORS" input windows. (Yes allows and uses inputs, No disallows and ignores in- puts). Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. See also "Stiffness/flexibility coefficients" Appendix C on page 80. * Forced deflections/slopes is a global Yes/No toggle for forced deflections/slopes defined in the "SUPPORTS" input window. (Yes allows and uses inputs, No disallows and ig- nores inputs). Forces deflection(length) and/or slope (radians) at a support location. Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. See also "Forced deflec- tion/slope" Appendix C on page 81. * Length is the input field for the length of the beam. This should be defined first - used to validate other in- puts. The default value is "10.00." * Modulus of Elasticity is the input field for the modulus of elasticity for the beam. The default value is "10,000,000." * Moment of Inertia Type command is used to toggle the type of moment of inertia. Choose between Constant I or Variable I. You can input values for both types and by using this toggle you can activate one and deactivate the other. Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. * Constant I is the input field for the constant moment of inertia for the beam. The Moment of Inertia Type must be set to "Constant " to use this field. The default value is "1.00." * Variable I is an input section where you input variable moment of inertia. There is three columns; Name, Start Location, and I Value. The maximum number of I Values is 20. The Name column is fixed and cannot be changed. The Moment of Inertia Type must be set to "Variable " to use these fields. The defaults are: Name = "Iv01", Start Location = "Left End", and I Value is "1.00." There must be an I value located at the "Left End" or "0" (this is verified when exiting this input window). All other inputs are optional. The inputs are not required to be in order. There also can be blank rows between the in- puts. I values can be the same - if they are located next to each other, the one closest to the left end will be used. Partial inputs are ignored. 27 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ There must be at least a .001 difference between locations (an error message will appear). SUPPORTS The F10|Supports command opens or activates the "SUPPORTS" input window. This window is where you define the beam supports (20 maximum). For each support you define the location, support type, flexibility coefficients, and forced constants. The de- faults are a simple supports at the left and right ends. This input window is shown below. +[-]------------------- SUPPORTS -------------------------+ | SUPPORT | FLEX COEFF | FORCED | | Name Type Location | Vert Rotat | Deflec Slope | | Rs01 Simple Left-End | | | | Rs02 Simple Right-End | | | | Rs03 Simple | | | | Rs04 Simple | | | +------------------------+-------------+-------------------+ Figure 4.2 Supports input window * Support Name is supplied by Beam Cookbook. This is not a input field. The Name will change depending on the Sup- port Type. Rs01 for simple Rg01 for guided Rf01 for fixed * Support Type is used to toggle the type of support. Choose between Simple, Guided, and Fixed. Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. * Support Location is the input field for the support loca- tion. The location is the distance from the left end. * Vertical flexibility coefficient (distance per unit of force) is an optional input field. This used in conjunc- tion with support types simple and fixed. To use this field the Stiffness/flex coefficients toggle must be set to yes in the "BEAM CONFIGURATION" input window (see page 26). * Rotational flexibility coefficient (radians per unit of moment) is an optional input field. This used in con- junction with support types guided and fixed. To use this field the Stiffness/flex coefficients toggle must be set 28 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ to yes in the "BEAM CONFIGURATION" input window (see page 26). * Forced Deflection (distance) is an optional input field. This used in conjunction with support types simple and fixed. To use this field the Forced deflections/slopes toggle must be set to yes in the "BEAM CONFIGURATION" in- put window (see page 26). * Forced Slope (radians) is an optional input field. This used in conjunction with support types guided and fixed. To use this field the Forced deflections/slopes toggle must be set to yes in the "BEAM CONFIGURATION" input win- dow (see page 26). The minimum information required is the support type and loca- tion (distance from the left end). The inputs are not required to be in order. There also can be blank rows between inputs. There must be at least a .001 difference between active loca- tions (an error message will appear). Supports without loca- tions will be ignored. The flexibility coefficients and forced values are optional. To use these fields, their respective global flag must be set to yes in the "BEAM CONFIGURATION" input window (see page 26). Supports can have both flexibility coefficients and force con- stants. See "Boundary conditions" in Appendix C on page 79. CONCENTRATED LOADS The F10|Loads|Concentrated Loads command opens or activates the "CONCENTRATED LOADS" input window. This window is where you de- fine the beam concentrated loads (40 maximum). For each load you define the location and load. This input window is shown below. +[-]--- CONCENTRATED LOADS ----+ | | | Name---Location--|----Load | | Pt01 | | | Pt02 | | | Pt03 | | | Pt04 | | +-------------------+----------+ Figure 4.3 Concentrated Loads input window 29 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ * Name is supplied by Beam Cookbook. This is not a input field. * Location is the input field for the load location. The location is the distance from the left end. No location cannot be greater than the length of the beam. * Load is the input field for the load (unit of force). Positive load is up - negative load is down. You can use the "K" key to represent 1000. (example: key "2K" for 2000) The inputs are not required to be in order. There can be blank rows between inputs. Incomplete data is ignored. Moments The F10|Loads|Moments command opens or activates the "MOMENTS" input window. This window is where you define the beam moments (40 maximum). For each moment you define the moment and load. This input window is shown below. +[-]------ MOMENTS --------------+ | | | Name Location | Moment | | Mo01 | | | Mo02 | | | Mo03 | | | Mo04 | | +-------------------+------------+ Figure 4.4 Moments input window * Name is supplied by Beam Cookbook. This is not a input field. Location is the input field for the moment location. The * location is the distance from the left end. No location cannot be greater than the length of the beam. * Moment is the input field for the moment (force per unit of distance). Positive moment is clockwise - negative mo- ment is counter clockwise. You can use the "K" key to represent 1000. (example: key "2K" for 2000) The inputs are not required to be in order. There can be blank rows between inputs. Incomplete data is ignored. 30 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ UNIFORM LOADS The F10|Loads|Uniform Loads command opens or activates the "UNIFORM LOADS" input window. This window is where you define the beam uniform loads (20 maximum). For each load you define the start location, end location, and load. This input window is shown below. +[-]------------ UNIFORM LOADS ----------------+ | Start | End | | | Name Location | Location | Load | | Uf01 | | | | Uf02 | | | | Uf03 | | | | Uf04 | | | +-------------------+-------------+-------------+ Figure 4.5 Uniform Loads input window * Name is supplied by Beam Cookbook. This is not a input field. * Start Location is the input field for the load start loca- tion. The location is the distance from the left end. No location cannot be greater than the length of the beam. * End Location is the input field for the load end location. The location is the distance from the left end. No loca- tion cannot be greater than the length of the beam. * Load is the input field for the load. Positive load is up - negative load is down. You can use the "K" key to rep- resent 1000. (example: key "2K" for 2000) The inputs are not required to be in order. The start location can be greater than the end location. There can be blank rows between inputs. Incomplete data is ignored. RAMP LOADS The F10|Loads|Ramp Loads command opens or activates the "RAMP LOADS" input window. This window is where you define the beam ramp loads (20 maximum). For each load you define the start lo- cation, start load, end location, and end load. This input win- dow is shown below. 31 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ +[-]-------------------- RAMP LOADS -----------------------+ | START | END | | Name Location | Load | Location | Load | | Ra01 | | | | | Ra02 | | | | | Ra03 | | | | | Ra04 | | | | +---------------------+----------+--------------+----------+ Figure 4.6 Ramp Loads input window * Name is supplied by Beam Cookbook. This is not a input field. * Start Location is the input field for the load start loca- tion. The location is the distance from the left end. No location cannot be greater than the length of the beam. * Start Load is the input field for the start load. Posi- tive load is up - negative load is down. You can use the "K" key to represent 1000. (example: key "2K" for 2000) * End Location is the input field for the load end location. The location is the distance from the left end. No loca- tion cannot be greater than the length of the beam. * End Load is the input field for the end load. Positive load is up - negative load is down. You can use the "K" key to represent 1000. (example: key "2K" for 2000) The inputs are not required to be in order. The start location can be greater than the end location. There can be blank rows between inputs. Incomplete data is ignored. Hinges The F10|Miscellaneous|Hinges command opens or activates the "HINGES" input window. This window is where you define the beam hinges (10 maximum). For each hinge you define the location and rotational stiffness coefficient (optional). This input window is shown below. +[-]--------- HINGES --------------+ | Rotational | | Name Location | Stiff Coeff. | | Hg01 | | | Hg02 | | | Hg03 | | | Hg04 | | +------------------+---------------+ Figure 4.7 Hinges input window 32 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ * Name is supplied by Beam Cookbook. This is not a input field. * Location is the input field for the hinge location. The location is the distance from the left end. * Rotational Stiffness Coefficient (moment per radian) is an optional input field. To use this field the Stiff- ness/flex coefficients toggle must be set to yes in the "BEAM CONFIGURATION" input window (see page 26). A hinge cannot resist bending moment, but it can transfer shear. The rotational stiffness coefficient can be used to transfer bending moment. The minimum information required is the location (distance from the left end). The inputs are not required to be in order. There also can be blank rows between inputs. There must be at least a .001 difference between active locations (an error mes- sage will appear). Hinges without locations will be ignored. Make sure the beam is stable where hinges are located. MOMENT CONNECTORS The F10|Miscellaneous|Moment Connectors command opens or acti- vates the "MOMENT CONNECTORS" input window. This window is where you define the beam moment connectors (10 maximum). For each moment connector you define the location and vertical stiffness coefficient (optional). This input window is shown be- low. +[-]----- MOMENT CONNECTORS -------+ | Vertical | | Name Location | Stiff-Coeff. | | MC01 | | | MC02 | | | MC03 | | | MC04 | | +------------------+---------------+ Figure 4.8 Moment Connectors input window * Name is supplied by Beam Cookbook. This is not a input field. * Location is the input field for the moment connector loca- tion. The location is the distance from the left end. 33 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ * Vertical Stiffness Coefficient (force per unit of dis- tance) is an optional input field. To use this field the Stiffness/flex coefficients toggle must be set to yes in the "BEAM CONFIGURATION" input window (see page 26). A moment connector cannot resist shear, but it can transfer bending moment. The vertical stiffness coefficient can be used to transfer shear. The minimum information required is the location (distance from the left end). The inputs are not required to be in order. There also can be blank rows between inputs. There must be at least a .001 difference between active locations (an error mes- sage will appear). Moment connectors without locations will be ignored. Make sure the beam is stable where moment connectors are located. 34 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ C H A P T E R 5 OUTPUT WINDOWS Output windows is where Beam Cookbook displays the solution to a beam problem. The solution can be displayed in different for- mats; screen text, graphics, and printed. The F10|Solve command is used to access these output windows. This command will open the "SOLUTIONS' output window/menu. This output window/menu is where you access all other output windows; "REVIEW INPUTS","REACTIONS", "BOUNDARY CONDITIONS", "BEAM VALUES" (equally spaced or at one location), "DISPLAY BEAM", "DIAGRAMS", and "REPORTS". SOLUTIONS The F10|Solve command opens or activates the "SOLUTIONS" output window/menu. This command performs three functions. 1. Compiles all complete and active input data (only if changed). 2. Solves beam (only if changed). 3. Opens then "SOLUTIONS" window/menu. A message window will appear during the compiling and solving stages. In the solve stage the percent complete will be dis- played. This can be cancelled at any time by hitting the Enter key. The "SOLUTIONS" window/menu is divided into four sections Solv- ing Time, TEXT, GRAPHICS, and PRINTER. The TEXT section (screen text) offers choices for reviewing the input used, reactions, boundary conditions, and beam values (shear, moment, slope, and deflection) equally spaced or at any location. The GRAPHICS (graphic display) section offers choices for displaying the beam with it's loads or displaying shear, moment, slope, and deflec- tion diagrams.The PRINTER section allows you print a report con- taining any any of the choices in the TEXT and GRAPHICS sec- tions. This output window/menu is shown below. 35 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ +[-]----- SOLUTIONS--------+ | Solving.Time: 0.28 sec | | --------- TEXT --------- | | Review Inputs | | Reactions (external) | | Boundary Conditions | | Beam (internal): | | Equal Spaces | | One.Location | | ------- GRAPHICS ------- | | Display Beam & Loads > | | Diagrams > | | ------- PRINTER -------- | | rePorts > | +--------------------------+ Figure 5.1 Solutions output window/menu * Solving Time displays the elapsed time to compile and solve the beam problem. This is for your reference only. * Review Inputs command opens a output window listing only the inputs used for solving the beam. * Reactions (external) command opens a output window listing the reactions. (option only available if beam solution was successful) * Boundary Conditions command opens a output window listing the boundary conditions. (option only available if beam solution was successful) * Beam (internal) Equal Spaces command opens a window re- questing input for the number of equal spaces, start loca- tion, and end location. After entering this data, the "BEAM VALUES" output window will opened or activated. (option only available if beam solution was successful) * Beam (internal) One Location command opens a output window that will calculate shear, moment, slope, and deflection at any location. (option only available if beam solution was successful) * Display Beam & Loads command opens a window with various options for displaying the beam and it's loads. * rePorts command opens a window with various options for a creating a printed report or text file. 36 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ REVIEW INPUTS The F10|Solve|Review Inputs command opens or activates the "REVIEW INPUTS" output window. This an output window that con- tains a list of the inputs (active and complete) used for solv- ing the beam. This output window is shown below. +[-]--------------- R E V I E W I N P U T S --------------+ | | | LENGHT = 10 | | | | MODULUS OF ELASTICITY = 10000000 | | | | MOMENT OF INERTIA = 1.0000 | | | | SUPPORTS: | |+----------------------+--------------+------------------+| || SUPPORTS | FLEXIBI COEFF| FORCED || |+------+------+--------+------+-------+---------+-------+|| || Name | Type |Location| Vert | Rotat | Deflect | Slope || |+------+------+--------+------+-------+---------+--------+| || Rs01 |Simple| 0.0000| |-------| |--------|| || Rs02 |Simple| 10.0000| |-------| |--------|| |+------+------+--------+------+-------+---------+--------+| | | | | | | | CONCENTRATED LOADS: | | +------+--------------------+------------------+ | | | Name | Location | Load | | | +------+--------------------+------------------+ | | | Pt01 | 5.0000 | -1000.0000 | | | +------+--------------------+------------------+ | +----------------------------------------------------------+ Figure 5.2 Review Inputs output window The inputs are listed in the following order: 1. Length 2. Modulus of Elasticity 3. Moment of Inertia 4. Supports 5. Hinges 6. Moment Connectors 37 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ 7. Concentrated Loads 8. Moments 9. Uniform Loads 10. Ramp Loads You can use the highlight bar to aid reading the line of inte r- est. REACTIONS The F10|Solve|Reactions (external) command opens or activates the "REACTIONS" output window. This is a list of the reactions for the beam problem. This output window is shown below. +[-]--------------- R E A C T I O N S --------------------+ | | |+------+-----------------+----------------+-------------+| || Name | Location | Vertical | Moment || |+------+-----------------+----------------+-------------+| || Rs01 | 0.0000 | 500.0000 | ----------- || || Rs02 | 10.0000 | 500.0000 | ----------- || |+------+-----------------+----------------+-------------+| +---------------------------------------------------------+ Figure 5.3 Reaction output window The reactions are listed in order (left end to right end). This list contains the reaction name, location, vertical reaction, and moment reaction.You can use the highlight bar to aid reading a line of interest. BOUNDARY CONDITIONS The F10|Solve|Boundary Conditions command opens or activates the "BOUNDARY CONDITIONS" output window. This is a listing of the beam values at each boundary condition used in solving the beam problem. This output window is shown below. 38 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ +[-]------- B O U N D A R Y C O N D I T I O N S ----------+ |+----+--------+---------+----------+----------+----------+| ||Name|Location| Shear | Moment | Slope |Deflection|| |+----+--------+---------+----------+----------+----------+| ||Rs01| 0.0000| 500.0000| 0.0000| -0.000625| 0.00000|| ||Rs02| 10.0000|-500.0000| -0.0000| 0.000625| -0.00000|| |+----+--------+---------+----------+----------+----------+| +----------------------------------------------------------+ Figure 5.4 Boundary Condition output window You can use this to confirm that the solutions are correct (free end: moment=0, shear=0). The boundary conditions are listed in order (left end to right end). This list contains the name (free end, support, hinge, or moment connector), location, shear, moment, slope, and deflection. You can use the highlight bar to help you read a line of interest. All values are calculated as they are displayed. This may cause a delay in displaying the list depending on the complexity of the beam problem. SHEAR:MOMENT:SLOPE:DEFLECT The F10|Solve|Beam (internal): Equal Spaces command opens or ac- tivates the "Shear:Moment:Slope:Deflect" output entry window. In this window is where you define number of equal spaces, start location, and end location used in the "BEAM VALUES" output win- dow (see page 40). This output window is shown below. +[-]---- Shear:Moment:Slope:Deflect -------+ | Number of Spaces (60000 max): 20 | | Start Location: Left End | | End Location: Right End | | OK | +------------------------------------------+ Figure 5.5 Shear:Moment:Slope:Deflect output entry window After entering this data, use the OK command to display a list containing the location, shear, moment, slope, and deflection for each increment. You may use the start location and end location to focus on an area of the beam. * Number of Spaces is the input field for the number of spaces. The default value is "20". 39 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ * Start Location is the input field for beam location to start the beam values. The location is the distance from the left end. The default value is "Left End". * End Location is the input field for beam location to end the beam values. The location is the distance from the left end. The default value is "Right End". * OK opens the "BEAM VALUES" output window displaying a list of beam values based on the entry fields in this window. BEAM VALUES The F10|Solve|Beam (internal): Equal Spaces|OK command opens or activates the "BEAM VALUES" output window. This output window is shown below. +[-] ---------------- B E A M V A L U E S ----------------+ |+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+| || Location | Shear | Moment | Slope |Deflection|| |+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+| || 0.0000| 500.0000| 0.0000| -0.000625| 0.000000|| || 1.0000| 500.0000| 500.0000| -0 000600| -0.000617|| || 2.0000| 500.0000| 1000.0000| -0.000525| -0.001183|| || 3.0000| 500.0000| 1500.0000| -0.000400| -0.001650|| || 4.0000| 500.0000| 2000.0000| -0.000225| -0.001967|| || 5.0000| -500.0000| 2500.0000| -0.000000| -0.002083|| |+----------+-----------+----------+-----------+----------+| +------------------------------------------- PgDn for More + Figure 5.6 Beam Values output window This is a listing of beam values based on the the number of equal spaces, start location, and end location entered in the "Shear:Moment:Slope:Deflect" window (see page 39). The beam values that are displayed are: location, shear, moment, slope, and deflection. You can use the highlight bar to aid reading a line of interest. All values are calculated as they are displayed. This may cause a delay in displaying the list depending on the complexity of the beam problem. LOCATION The F10|Solve|Beam (internal): One Location command opens or ac- tivates the "LOCATION" output window that will calculate shear, 40 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ moment, slope, and deflection at any location. This output win- dow is shown below. +[-]---- L O C A T I O N ---------+ | Enter Location: Left End | +---------------------------------+ | Shear: 500.0000 | | Moment: 0.0000 | | Slope: -0.000625 | | Deflection: 0.000000 | +---------------------------------+ Figure 5.7 Location output window * Enter Location is the input field for the location on the beam where values will be calculated. The location is the distance from left end. Press Enter or click left to cal- culate and display the shear, moment, slope, and deflec- tion. * Shear is the calculated internal beam shear. * Moment is the calculated internal beam moment. * Slope is the calculated beam slope. * Deflection is the calculated beam deflection. DISPLAY BEAM The F10|Solve|Display Beam & Loads command opens or activates the "DISPLAY BEAM" output window/menu. This window contains various options for displaying the beam (including supports, hinges, and moment connectors) and it's loads. This output win- dow is shown below. 41 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ +[-]----- DISPLAY.BEAM --------+ | Start Location: Left End | | End Location: Right End | +------------------------------+ | Concentrated Loads only | | Moments only | | Uniform Loads only | | Ramp Loads only | +------------------------------+ | muLtiple Loads: | | Concentrated Loads Yes | | Moments Yes | | Uniform Loads Yes | | Ramp Loads Yes | | All | +------------------------------+ Figure 5.8 Display Beam output window/menu * Start Location is the input field for the left most loca- tion on the beam to be displayed. The location is the distance from left end. The default value is "Left End". * End Location is the input field for the right most loca- tion on the beam to be displayed. The location is the distance from left end. The default value is "Right End". * Concentrated Loads only command displays the beam and con- centrated loads only. * Moments only command displays the beam and moments only. * Uniform Loads only command displays the beam and uniform loads only. * Ramp Loads only command displays the beam and ramp loads only. * muLtiple Loads: command displays the beam and all load types set to "Yes". * muLtiple Loads: Concentrated Loads is a Yes/No toggle for displaying concentrated loads. Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "Yes". * muLtiple Loads: Moments is a Yes/No toggle for displaying moments. Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "Yes". * muLtiple Loads: Uniform Loads is a Yes/No toggle for dis- playing uniform loads. Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "Yes". 42 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ * muLtiple Loads: Ramp Loads is a Yes/No toggle for display- ing ramp loads. Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "Yes". * All command displays the beam and all loads. You can use the start location and end location to focus on an area of the beam. DIAGRAMS The F10|Solve|Diagrams command opens or activates the "DIAGRAMS" output window/menu. This window contains various options for displaying beam diagrams. This output window is shown below. +[-]--- D I A G R A M S -------+ | Graphics Resolution: Low | | Start Location: Left End | | End Location: Right End | +------------------------------+ | Shear Diagram only | | Moment Diagram only | | sloPe Diagram only | | Deflection Diagram only | +------------------------------+ | muLtiple Diagrams: | | Shear Diagram Yes | | Moment Diagram Yes | | Slope Diagram Yes | | Deflection Diagram Yes | | All | +------------------------------+ Figure 5.9 Diagrams output window/menu * Start Location is the input field for the left most loca- tion. The diagrams will begin at this location. The loca- tion is the distance from left end. The default value is "Left End". * End Location is the input field for the right most loca- tion. The diagrams will stop at this location. The loca- tion is the distance from left end. The default value is "Right End". * Shear Diagram only command displays the shear diagram only. 43 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ * Moment Diagram only command displays the moment diagram only. * Slope Diagram only command displays the slope diagram only. * Deflection Diagram only command displays the deflection diagram only. * muLtiple Diagrams: command displays all diagrams set to "Yes". * muLtiple Diagrams: Shear Diagram is a Yes/No toggle to display the shear diagram. Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "Yes". * muLtiple Diagrams: Moment Diagrams is a Yes/No toggle to display the moment diagrams. Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "Yes". * muLtiple Diagrams: Slope Diagram is a Yes/No toggle to display the slope diagram. Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "No". * muLtiple Diagrams: Deflection Diagrams is a Yes/No toggle to display the deflection diagram. Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "Yes". * All command displays all the diagrams. You can use the start location and end location to focus on an area of the diagrams. REPORTS The F10|Solve|Reports command opens or activates the "REPORTS" output window/menu. This window contains various options for printed report or text file. This output window is shown below. 44 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ +[-]------ R E P O R T S -------+ | Title: | | My Beam Problem | +-------------------------------+ | Input Data .............. Yes | | Reactions................ Yes | | Boundary Conditions...... No | +-------------------------------+ | Start Location:..... Left.End | | End Location:...... Right.End | +-------------------------------+ | Beam Values.............. No | | Number of Spaces:...20 | | Beam and Loads........... Yes | | Shear Diagram............ Yes | | Moment Diagram........... Yes | | sloPe Diagram............ No | | Deflection Diagram....... Yes | +-------------------------------+ | OK: Print to LPT2 | +-------------------------------+ Figure 5.10 Reports output window/menu * Title: is the input field (28 characters max) for the re- port title. This title will appear at the top of each page. This input field is optional. * Input Data is a Yes/No toggle to indicate if the input data is to be included in your report. The printed data will be the same as displayed in the "REVIEW INPUTS" out- put window (see page 37). Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "Yes". * Reactions is a Yes/No toggle to indicate if the reactions are to be included in your report. The printed data will be the same as displayed in the "REACTIONS" output window (see page 38). Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "Yes". * Boundary Conditions is a Yes/No toggle to indicate if the boundary conditions are to be included in your report. The printed data will be the same as displayed in the "BOUNDARY CONDITIONS" output window (see page 38). Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "No". * Start Location: is the input field for the start location, used for the following report options: 45 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ Beam Values Beam and Loads Shear Diagram Moment Diagram Slope Diagram Deflection Diagram All of these option will begin at this location. The lo- cation is the distance from left end. The default value is "Left End". * End Location: is the input field for end start location, used for the following report options: Beam Values Beam and Loads Shear Diagram Moment Diagram Slope Diagram Deflection Diagram All of these option will begin at this location. The lo- cation is the distance from left end. The default value is "Right End". * Beam Values is a Yes/No toggle to indicate if equally spaced beam values are to be included in your report. The printed data will be the same as displayed using the "BEAM VALUES" output window (see page 40). Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "Yes". * Number of Spaces: is the input field for the number of spaces used for the Beam Value option. The default value is "20". * Beam and Loads is a Yes/No toggle to indicate if the beam and its loads are to be included in your report. The printed data will be the same as displayed using the "DISPLAY BEAM" output window/menu (see page 41). Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "Yes". * Shear Diagram is a Yes/No toggle to indicate if the shear diagram is to be included in your report. The printed data will be the same as displayed using the "DIAGRAMS" output window/menu (see page 43). Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "Yes". * Moment Diagram is a Yes/No toggle to indicate if the mo- ment diagram is to be included in your report. The printed data will be the same as displayed using the "DIAGRAMS" output window/menu (see page 43). Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "Yes". * Slope Diagram is a Yes/No toggle to indicate if the slope diagram is to be included in your report. The printed 46 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ data will be the same as displayed using the "DIAGRAMS" output window/menu (see page 43). Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "No". * Deflection Diagram is a Yes/No toggle to indicate if the deflection diagram is to be included in your report. The printed data will be the same as displayed using the "DIAGRAMS" output window/menu (see page 43). Press Space Bar, +, -, or click left to toggle. The default value is "Yes". * Ok: (device) is the command to print the report. The de- vice in this option displays the current output device (LPT1, Disk File, etc) set in the hardware options menu (see page 55). If you are printing to a disk file, you will be prompted for a file name. 47 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ C H A P T E R 6 ENTERING DATA Entering data in Beam Cookbook is a simple and straightforward. Beam Cookbook offers special keys to expedite entering commonly used values. ENTERING DATA When you load Beam Cookbook, a default beam problem is automati- cally is loaded. Beam Cookbook gives it the default file name of NONAME.BCB, which you can change when you save the beam prob- lem. To enter information in a field, move the selector to the field you want and type in the entry. The characters appear in the field. The cursor, shown as underscore, shows you where the next character will appear. If you make a mistake will typing, press the Backspace to erase the character, then type the cor- rect one. When the entry is complete, press Enter, any of Beam Cookbook's arrow keys (up arrow, down arrow, left arrow, right arrow, Page Up, and so on) or left click with the mouse. If you entered the data by pressing the arrow key or left mouse button, the field selector moves in the appropriate direction otherwise it moves to the next input field. If Beam Cookbook finds an error in your entry, it beeps, and displays an error message. It won't accept the entry until you've corrected the problem. To cancel the entry, press Esc. When entering a location you can use the "L" key for the left end and the "R" key the right end. You can also use the "K" key to represent 1000 when entering a value for a load (example: key in "2K" for 2000). EDITING ENTRIES Once you've written an entry into an input field (by pressing Enter), you can erase it by simply moving the selector to it and pressing Del. You can change its contents in either two ways: * Move the cell selector to the cell and enter a new value. When you press Enter, or any of the arrow keys the new value replaces the old. (To avoid accidental, Beam Cook- book doesn't erase an entry if you just select it and press Enter.) 48 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ * Make changes to the existing entry. When making changes to an existing entry, you can insert or de- lete characters in an entry without retyping the whole thing. You can use the arrow keys (left arrow and right arrow) to move the cursor to any part of the entry (if the cursor is at the ei- ther end of the entry field and you use these keys you go to the next or previous field). Backspace deletes characters to the left of the cursor. When you first selected and entry to edit , Beam Cookbook auto- matically enters Insert mode and inserts any characters you type at the cursor. (Remember in you type a character before using any editing key first or moving the cursor BeamCookbook will re- place the entire old entry with the character you typed.) To write over existing characters, press the Ins key to enter Over- write mode. Press Ins again to return to Insert mode. To edit using a mouse, click the input field to move the selec- tor there. To move the edit cursor, click where you want to po- sition it, then use the editing described in the previous para- graph. After editing, click on another field to enter the en- try. To discard your changes instead of entering them, click right (same as Esc). Table 6.1 on page 49 shows the functions of certain keys when editing data. For a complete list of key functions, see Appendix A, Beam Cook- book keys", page 68. Table 6.1 Entry Editor Commands ================================================================ Key(s) Description ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cursor Movements left arrow or Ctrl-S Moves left one character. right arrow or Ctrl-D Moves right one character. Crtl-A or Ctrl-Left Moves left one word. Ctrl-F or Ctrl-Right Moves right one word. Home or Ctrl-QS Moves to the beginning of field End or Ctrl-QD Moves to the end of field. ---------------------------------------------------------------- (continued on next page) 49 BEAM COOKBOOK 1.0 ________________________________________________________________ Table 6.1 Entry Editor Commands (continued) ================================================================ Key(s) Description ---------------------------------------------------------------- Insertion and Deletion Delete or Ctrl-S Deletes character at the cursor. Backspace or Crtl-H Deletes character left of the or Ctrl-Backspace cursor. Ctrl-Y Deletes the entire line. Ctrl-Home Deletes from beginning of the line to the cursor. Ctrl-End or Ctrl-QY Delete from the cursor to end of the line. Ctrl-T Deletes the word to right of the cursor. Insert or Ctrl-V Toggle the insert mode fat cursor: insert thin cursor: delete Other Enter Accept the contents of the field. Ctrl-R or Ctrl-QL Restore the contents of the field. Esc or Click right Restore contents to last time the Enter key was used to accept the contents or Quit input window. ---------------------------------------------------------------- 50